A Connected Britain Preview
Connected Britain 2023 is just around the corner and, with just under a week left to go, it is only fitting that we highlight some of our amazing keynote panels, featuring some of the biggest names in the UK telecoms industry.
Day 1 – Wednesday 20th September:
CXO keynote panel: The state of play for the UK’s mobile market (9:35am)
Moderated by Karen Egan, Senior Telecoms Analyst at Enders Analysis, this panel will explore the current condition of the UK mobile market in depth.
Andrea Donà, Chief Network Officer, Vodafone
Howard Watson, Chief Security & Networks Officer, BT
Phil Siveter, Chief Executive Officer, UK & Ireland, NOKIA
CXO keynote panel: Where is the UK fibre market headed? (12:50pm)
Moderated by Matthew Howett, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Assembly Research, this panel will explore the latest impacts of the market, understanding the regulatory and investment context for the UK fibre sector, discuss if regulation supports or hinders competition in the market, and address the challenge of adoption.
Greg Mesch, Chief Executive Officer, Cityfibre
Dana Tobak, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hyperoptic
Martyn Taylor, Chief Commercial Officer, BDUK
Clive Selley, Chief Executive Officer, Openreach
Daren Baythorpe, Chief Executive Officer, ITS
CXO keynote panel: Connectivity as the cornerstone of a greener future (17:40pm)
Moderated by Miran Gilmore, Senior Consultant at STL Partners, this panel will explore how connectivity will play a key role in the country’s environmental future.
Rafael Jaron, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Concept for Change
Wolfgang Schusterr, Executive Director, Connected Places Catapult
Marzia Zafar, Deputy Director of Governance for Data & Digitalisation, Ofgem
Day 2 – Thursday 21st September
Understanding the connectivity needs of the UK’s nations and regions (9:30am)
Moderated by Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy at TechUK, this panel will dive into the regional perspectives and priorities of the UK’s connectivity needs, addressing the challenges and opportunities of delivering better connectivity to the nation.
Nik Johnson, Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority
Robbie McGhee, Deputy Director, Digital Connectivity, Scottish Government
Theo Blackwell MBE, Chief Digital Officer for London, Greater London Authority
Beyond the glass: what does it take to ensure modern broadband services and in-life experiences are truly fit for the future (10:10am)
Our final panel of the event will be moderated by Lorne Mitchell, MD of Objective Designers, and will look at some of the following key questions:
What criteria will networks and broadband services of the future be judged on? And what will be demanded of them?
What decisions and investments today, will help networks and their ISPs stand out from the crowd tomorrow?
Which technologies and approaches are set to enable the best networks and why?
Against this backdrop, how must technology suppliers, networks operators and ISPs work together to realise net-zero/sustainability ambitions?
Michel Langlois, Chief Technical Officer, Calix
Nigel Abraham, Customer CTO, Nokia
David Tomalin, Group CTO, Cityfibre
Connected Britain 2023 promises to be bigger and better than ever before. It’s not too late to join us! Check out the full agenda and secure your tickets here.
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