DTW 2024 | Reaching Agreement Among Industry Leaders on Strengthening Industry Collaboration for Speeding Up Green Network Transformation at The Green Development Summit hosted by Huawei and TM Forum


During the Digital Transformation World (DTW) summit, Huawei partnered with the TM Forum to host the Green Development Forum. Representatives from leading telecom operators such as South Africa’s Openserve, Hong Kong Telecom (HKT) and GSMAi (GSMA Intelligence), gathered to discuss the green transformation and enable sustainable development across the industry.

Discussions at the Green Development Forum

As society rapidly enters the AI era, global network operators not only need to fulfill their social responsibility of reducing carbon emissions, but also help other industries achieve energy savings and efficiency improvements. For example, 5G-A technology has already been applied in high carbon emission industries such as mining, construction, and electric power industry, playing a crucial role in the process of energy conservation, emissions reduction, and digital transformation.

Opportunities and Challenges for Green Development in the ICT Industry

In her opening remarks, Cecilia, the lead of TM Forum’s “People & Planet” theme, outlined TM Forum’s sustainable development strategy for the next two years, focusing on three topics: Artificial intelligence, Net Zero, and ‘Positive impact & cultural change’. TM Forum also announced the launch of the Moonshot Catalyst Award, which will specifically focus on driving the telecom industry towards Net Zero by 2030.

GSMAi’s Chief Analyst, Emanuel, presented the results of his assessment of the energy efficiency of dozens of global networks, the distribution of energy sources, and the indicator system for measuring network energy efficiency. He also provided several recommendations for improving energy efficiency, such as site simplification, spectrum refarming and user migration, advance cooling solutions, and AI & resource optimization, etc.

Green Development Practices of Global Leading Operators

Ashvir, the Network Quality Director of South Africa’s Openserve, introduced their excellent practices in the green transformation of Central Offices (CO). In the face of unstable grid power, they optimized their network architecture, utilized renewable energy, and fine-tuned AI algorithms to not only reduce carbon emissions, but also lower overall energy consumption and operational costs, while ensuring the continuous availability of network services.

Derek, the VP of Hong Kong Telecom (HKT), shared HKT’s green governance philosophy and introduced their “Integrated Smart Energy Solution” that enables vertical industry customers to support their green development plans.

Green Network and Operations Solutions

Singleton Zhou, the President of Huawei’s Global Technology Service Network Consulting and System Integration, delivered a presentation on “Build Digital and Intelligent Network, Enable Green and Sustainable World”. He shared the latest progress of global operators in the green transformation of networks, Huawei’s Green Target Network solution, and the GNED integrated platform based on digitalization and intelligence, providing operators with comprehensive solutions for green network evolution.

Mr. Singleton Zhou shared the Green Target Network Solution

During the panel discussion, representatives from Huawei, GSMA, Openserve, and HKT had a lively discussion on the challenges facing the green transformation of the telecom industry and the needs for ecosystem collaboration. They unanimously agreed that the ICT industry should widely collaborate to build a green governance framework, and green standard system, supporting the green transformation of the industry and enabling other industries to reduce carbon emissions.

Looking forward, Huawei’s Intelligent Connectivity Integration service will continue to uphold the “Less for More” principle, building a unified green development framework and standard system, and creating a digital and intelligent green operations platform to support operators in charting the blueprint of the Green Target Network and the path of comprehensive green evolution, enabling operators to achieve their strategic goals of green development.

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