Connected North 2025

“AI and its relevance to the UK’s Digital connectivity. Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask”!
The venue for the event is Hill Dickinson LLP, The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose St, London EC2A 2EW. The start time is 2pm and we will close by 5.30pm. We will have a series of speakers who will also host some Q&A sessions. We also have break out rooms for our networking sessions which are a valuable part of the event.
The event is kindly being sponsored by ITS and hosted by Hill Dickinson.
Confirmed speakers so far are
Andrew Collinson and Charlotte Patrick from Connective Insight.
Suzanne Greenhalgh from Google
Ruth Pickering from ITS
The audience is usually a mixture of industry leaders, political advisers, financial organisations, legal firms, small businesses consultants and technical experts. We strive to have political representation at all our meetings.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite and the link is below.
A huge thank you to everyone that attended our event discussing the future of Investment in the UK’s digital infrastructure. Many exciting ideas and points of view shared by all of the speakers who generously gave their time; the UK’s digital future is looking bright.
Tickets are going fast so please register to attend as soon as possible. Admission charges, where applicable, are purely to cover the costs of the event. Attendees from the public sector should contact christine@ukfcf.org.uk to obtain a free ticket.
The event is kindly hosted by the Rt. Hon. Mark Tami MP.
The debate will be opened by Sir Chris Bryant-Shadow Minister for Culture and Digital.
Panel members confirmed are;
The debate will focus on:
The evening will start with arrivals at 6.30pm. From 7.00 pm to 7.30 pm there will be a series of short speeches by keynote speakers from the Parliament. This will be followed by a panel discussion and a Q&A session util 9.30 pm. There will then be food and drinks and a networking opportunity for our guests. The event will conclude by 10.30 pm.
Formal invitations will be sent out to confirmed attendees just prior to the event. Entrance is strictly by invitation only.
The ticket price is purely to cover the costs of the event. The room capacity is limited , so please register to attend as early as possible.
Admission is free to Public Sector attendees. Please contact christine@ukfcf.org.uk to obtain a promo code to reveal these hidden tickets.
The UK Fibre Connectivity Forum (“the Forum”) is an association of membership striving for digital connectivity across the whole of the UK. It is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers and relying on sponsorship to fund its activities.
The Forum is committed to working to support and advise policy makers to deliver policies that can create a fertile environment for the rapid growth of the UK’s digital economy.
Its mission is to be a vocal group, lobbying, influencing, and educating policy makers as to the most fair and efficient way to put an end to the digital divide.
We have invited investors, business consultants, and M&A advisers to give their view of the economic forecast for the industry and to look at how Altnets can break down barriers to access funding. This will be a very interactive session which will provide thought provoking debate and an overview of the process and parameters applied in the valuation of assets.
Speakers include:
Robert Kenny -“Prospects for alt-net consolidation”.
Rob Kenny is a founding member of Communications Chambers, a UK-based strategy and policy consultancy working in telecoms and media. His clients for telecoms projects have included Ofcom, the Australian Government, BT, Vodafone, Virgin Media, Sky, O2, KCOM, Gigaclear, Telstra, Google, Amazon, Netflix, the Broadband Stakeholder Group and many others. Rob acted as an advisor on broadband policy to Malcolm Turnbull, subsequently prime minister of Australia.
He previously headed strategy and/or M&A for Level 3, Reach and Hongkong Telecom. In those roles he conducted numerous multi-million- and billion-dollar negotiations with commercial entities and regulators. He has a degree in mathematics and management from Cambridge University.
Jonathan Dann-“Consolidation, if not, what next”?
Jonathan has spent four years at Greenhill & Co focussed on digital infrastructure globally. Before that he spent 20+ years in equity research at RBC, Barclays, JP Morgan-Bear Stearns and HSBC. He started his career in fund management at USS.
Hector Lloyd-“Present and expected trends in M&A and consolidation”.
Hector Lloyd, Director, is a member of the BlackRock Private Equity Partners (PEP) group within BlackRock Alternative Investors. Based in London, he is responsible for performing due diligence and monitoring private equity investments in Europe. Mr. Lloyd earned a BA degree from Trinity College Dublin.
Mark Smallwood-“The Top 5 questions you must answer before seeking Private Equity Investment”.
Over the last two decades, Mark has helped many companies achieve high growth and has coached more than 800 leaders to fulfil their full potential. This has also included developing ‘go to market’ strategies, growing customer numbers and helping his clients become more attractive to external investors. He will be sharing his insights with us.
The July meeting of the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum (UKFCF)
The event is free to UKFCF paid members and to a limited number of public sector attendees.
This event is kindly hosted by Grant Thornton UK LLP
This event is kindly sponsored by Fusion Fibre
The Welsh Government are providing £4.2 million of funding to Bangor University’s Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Centre of Excellence to bring 5G broadband connections through fibre optic cables into harder to reach areas. The University is working with a consortium of companies to increase the capacity and enhance the sensing ability of fibre optic cables used to deliver faster and more reliable mobile broadband, and this will be trailed with more than 400 premises on Ynys Mon that do not have access to superfast broadband. The broadband delivery part of the project will last 18 months and will allow customers to be connected as soon as the first site is live and will continue through 2025. The project is also supported by Isle of Anglesey County Council and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board.
1.30pm Registration and coffee
2pm Welcome from the chair of UKFCF
2.10pm Grant Thornton
2.20pm Fusion Fibre
2.30pm The Anglesey 5G EDC Broadband Project
with contributions from
Peter Curnow-Ford, Project Director
Stephen Pegrum, Sorrento Networks
3.30pm break
3.45pm networking and refreshments
5pm meeting closes
Whether you’ve attended our previous events or you’re a complete newcomer, you are welcome to attend our event.
*Valid Eventbrite ticket required for entry*
Please note: the organisers retain the right to cancel tickets and provide refunds.
Venue: Grant Thornton, 30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2P 2YU (Sat Nav: EC2A 1AG)
Follow the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum
Follow us on Twitter @UKFCForum: http://bit.ly/2IBNm6h
Join the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum LinkedIn discussion group: http://bit.ly/2omVQF9
Further information about the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum
If you have any questions or haven’t previously attended UKFCF meetings and require additional information please email info@ukfcf.org.uk
– Inaugural meeting, September 13th 2017: http://bit.ly/2N87G3I
– November 27th 2017 meeting: http://bit.ly/2MBwv8O
– Parliamentary debating reception, March 21st 2018: http://bit.ly/2wtSLHT
– Fibre Systems magazine article: http://bit.ly/2ws5gmX
– Presentations & agenda, June 18th 2018 meeting: http://bit.ly/2wpVd1I
– Presentations & agenda, October 1st 2018 meeting: http://bit.ly/2Nmcdf2
– Presentations & agenda, February 4th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2Sers17
– Presentations & agenda, June 3rd 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/30lqoZh
– Presentations & agenda, September 16th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2WybYnj
– Presentations & agenda, November 25th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2NKbpUi
The July meeting of the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum (UKFCF)
The event is free to UKFCF paid members and to a limited number of public sector attendees.
This event is kindly hosted by Grant Thornton UK LLP
The Welsh Government are providing £4.2 million of funding to Bangor University’s Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Centre of Excellence to bring 5G broadband connections through fibre optic cables into harder to reach areas. The University is working with a consortium of companies to increase the capacity and enhance the sensing ability of fibre optic cables used to deliver faster and more reliable mobile broadband, and this will be trailed with more than 400 premises on Ynys Mon that do not have access to superfast broadband. The broadband delivery part of the project will last 18 months and will allow customers to be connected as soon as the first site is live and will continue through 2025. The project is also supported by Isle of Anglesey County Council and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board.
1.30pm Registration and coffee
2pm Welcome from the chair of UKFCF
2.10pm Grant Thornton
2.20pm The Anglesey 5G EDC Broadband Project
with contributions from
Peter Curnow-Ford, Project Director
Stephen Pegrum, Sorrento Networks
3.20pm break
3.30pm Jo Stevens-Shadow Secretary of State for Wales
Q& A
3.45pm networking and refreshments
5pm meeting closes
Whether you’ve attended our previous events or you’re a complete newcomer, you are welcome to attend our event.
*Valid Eventbrite ticket required for entry*
Please note: the organisers retain the right to cancel tickets and provide refunds.
Venue: Grant Thornton, 30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2P 2YU (Sat Nav: EC2A 1AG)
Follow the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum
Follow us on Twitter @UKFCForum: http://bit.ly/2IBNm6h
Join the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum LinkedIn discussion group: http://bit.ly/2omVQF9
Further information about the UK Fibre Connectivity Forum
If you have any questions or haven’t previously attended UKFCF meetings and require additional information please email info@ukfcf.org.uk
– Inaugural meeting, September 13th 2017: http://bit.ly/2N87G3I
– November 27th 2017 meeting: http://bit.ly/2MBwv8O
– Parliamentary debating reception, March 21st 2018: http://bit.ly/2wtSLHT
– Fibre Systems magazine article: http://bit.ly/2ws5gmX
– Presentations & agenda, June 18th 2018 meeting: http://bit.ly/2wpVd1I
– Presentations & agenda, October 1st 2018 meeting: http://bit.ly/2Nmcdf2
– Presentations & agenda, February 4th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2Sers17
– Presentations & agenda, June 3rd 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/30lqoZh
– Presentations & agenda, September 16th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2WybYnj
– Presentations & agenda, November 25th 2019 meeting: https://bit.ly/2NKbpUi
This year’s FCS Comms Provider is a ‘must attend’ event for our CP members who wish to understand more as they consider key aspects of the industry move towards an All-IP world and the impact on their own business model. The opportunity for members to hear from top-level speakers, providing real ‘big picture’ perspectives, is unique amongst trade bodies in the industry.
Our agenda is structured into the three sessions detailed below.
Regulatory Environment in the All IP World
The first section of our FCS Comms Provider event focuses on the Regulation and Legal environment in the new All-IP world.
There are many changes for Communication Providers such as the new EECC regulatory requirements, which include major changes to Fixed Voice and Broadband switching. There are still many unanswered questions, such as what will happen in the business market with regards to switching, now that Ofcom have announced the switching regulation change is for residential consumers only. This will still impact the business market, and resellers will need to understand those impacts. We will have speakers from Ofcom and the OTA discussing some of the key new regulations in this section of the event agenda.
We also have a new Telecoms Security Bill going through parliament, which will impact our members and we have Will Jones from the DCMS discussing the bill and Danny Preiskel from Prieskels & Co to talk about the Legal impacts on our members.
Confirmed speakers:
• Brian Potterill and Elisa Pruvost, Ofcom • William Jones, DCMS
• David Halliday, OTA2 • Danny Preiskel, Preiskel & Co
For more information on our speakers, please click here.
All IP Building Blocks
The second section of our event agenda focusses on the infrastructure building blocks CPs will need to move to All-IP. We have presentations from Openreach, BT Enterprise, Gamma and DWS. This section will focus on what these operators are offering and what challenges they envisage in the move to all IP.
Confirmed speakers:
• James Lilley, Openreach • Steve Blackshaw, BT Wholesale • Lee Turner, Gamma
• Alex Mawson, DWS • Matt Walker, City Fibre
For more information on our speakers, please click here.
The All IP Future
The final section of our event agenda explores a strategic view of the future of the All-IP world and key aspects that members need to consider.
We will examine our FCS All-IP ‘White Paper’ and discuss the different ideas around numbering/porting and switching, together with the key governance requirements. We have strategic presentations from OTA2, VX Fiber and Cartesian as well as FCS leads.
Confirmed speakers:
• Richard Watts, VX Fiber • Dave Dadds and Martyn King, FCS • Michael Dargue, Cartesian
For more information on our speakers, please click here.