Enabling a Digitally Connected Society: How Cornerstone is Connecting the Four Corners of the UK


by Jamie Hayes, Chief Sales and Commercial Officer, Cornerstone 

As I reflect on our journey leading up to Connected Britain 2024, it’s incredible to think that seamless, high-speed internet—once a luxury—is now becoming a fundamental right that fuels innovation and growth across the UK. I’m genuinely excited about Cornerstone’s role in enabling a digitally connected society across all Four Corners of the UK through our national platform. Our goal is to ensure that your connected world is always within reach. 

Having recently toured the Four Corners of the UK, I saw firsthand how Cornerstone’s work is not just addressing today’s connectivity needs but is truly shaping a brighter, more interconnected future for businesses and communities nationwide. Here’s a snippet of my personal observations of our work alongside other leaders and colleagues in the industry who also have a part to play in shaping the UK’s digital economy. 

England: Strengthening Local Connections
My 1305-mile tour began in the small seaside town of Littlehampton. Our partnership with Isthmian League semi-professionals Littlehampton Town Football Club is a poignant example of how connectivity can uplift local communities. Following a severe storm that damaged a Cornerstone mast at the football club, our response ensured that vital community events could continue without disruption. What started as an emergency repair transformed into a meaningful collaboration. We supported the club not only by restoring functionality but also by enabling digital payment solutions that streamline matchday transactions. This initiative has reinforced the club’s role as a community hub, enhancing local engagement and supporting the club’s growth. Littlehampton FC’s ability to maintain its community activities and embrace modern technology reflects our commitment to strengthening the local economy and fostering community development. We are a proud sponsor. 

Wales: Bridging Digital Gaps in Rural Areas
My next stop took me deep into the most remote parts of Wales. Here, our efforts have focused on bridging the digital divide in some of the country’s most isolated regions. In Carmarthenshire, we addressed a critical need for our customers Vodafone, VMO2 and Three, supporting them to bring the necessary and reliable connectivity in a rural area that had long struggled with getting online access for the everyday things we take for granted. By deploying advanced satellite backhaul and power generation technology, we’ve transformed access for residents and businesses across a 20km radius, unlocking new opportunities for economic activity and social inclusion. The impact has been profound—local businesses can now reach new markets, and residents enjoy improved access to services and social connections in an area prone to isolation and with high unemployment and mortality rates. Similarly, in Builth Wells we overcame steep terrain and regulatory challenges with innovative solutions. We collaborated with local stakeholders such as council representatives, farmers and residents, who helped us navigate the terrain, demonstrating our commitment to blending modern technology with respect for the region’s unique characteristics and needs. We know that nature and technology can and must co-exist. 

Scotland: Driving Digital Innovation in Glasgow
A short flight later, we found ourselves in the bustling, vibrant city of Glasgow. Our initiatives here are enhancing the city’s digital infrastructure with a focus on both technological advancement and environmental impact. Our collaboration with Vodafone, Arqiva, Cambridge University, and others has led to the deployment of smart water meters across the city, revolutionising water management with real-time data. This project not only enhances resource efficiency but also supports Glasgow’s sustainability goals. Additionally, our Air Quality Sensor Network, measures pollution particulates and their movement, providing valuable data to tackle urban air quality challenges. By working closely with Glasgow City Council, we are not just enhancing connectivity; we are helping Glasgow emerge as a leader in digital excellence and sustainability. Our efforts contribute to a healthier environment and demonstrate our commitment to integrating technology with environmental stewardship. 

Northern Ireland: Enhancing Connectivity in Torr
Our final stop was to the breathtaking coastal town of Torr, just outside Ballycastle in Northern Ireland. Here, we demonstrated firsthand how improved connectivity can invigorate local economies and tourism. Located along the stunning Causeway Coast Road, Torr faced significant challenges with limited mobile and broadband access, impacting tourism, local businesses and public services. By installing new 4G infrastructure, we’ve enabled our customers to address these issues, providing visitors, residents and businesses with reliable connectivity to support economic growth and enhance the tourism experience. Our integration of this technology with the region’s rich heritage required careful planning and collaboration with the Historic Environment Division to preserve historical sites, including a Cold War Navy listening station and ancient burial grounds. Our work ensures that Torr can benefit from modern connectivity while maintaining its unique historical context, an area of outstanding natural beauty. This project highlights our dedication to respecting and enhancing local heritage while advancing digital progress. 

A Vision for the Future
As we look to the future, Cornerstone remains committed to building and maintaining the digital infrastructure that will enable the UK to thrive in an increasingly connected world. Whether it’s supporting community spirit in Littlehampton, bringing connectivity to rural communities in Wales, pioneering air quality monitoring in Glasgow, or driving innovation in remote Torr, our mission is clear: at Cornerstone, your connected world is always within reach. 

Connected Britain is a celebration of the achievements of our industry, but from our position, with the largest digital infrastructure in the UK, we know that many people and places are still left behind—without the basic and necessary mobile services that so many rely on. Every day, we design, build, and finance new sites or upgrades across our digital estate. And every single day, we operate and look after our network of 15,700 sites to ensure reliability and resilience for our customers. 

More than any other provider in the UK, we are safeguarding the critical infrastructure of the mobile sector. But we still face challenges in some areas where we can’t yet celebrate, held back by the need for more pragmatic reform of town planning. This reform is essential to bring 4G and 5G to over 3,000 places where we’re eager to invest. It’s about more than connectivity—it’s about enabling job creation and driving digital inclusion. 

The stories I’ve shared today are a testament to the real impact our infrastructure has on communities across the UK. But we have much more to do, and my appeal is simple: we need to work collectively, across public and private partnerships, to create an effective framework for digital infrastructure planning, one that attracts investment and builds a country for growth. 

We’d love to continue this conversation. Please visit us at Exhibitor stand 97 or at the Tower Café during Connected Britain 2024 to explore these exciting developments. Our team looks forward to discussing how we can collaborate to build a more connected and prosperous society. 

At Cornerstone, your connected world is always within reach. 


About Cornerstone
As the UK’s leading mobile and digital infrastructure services provider, Cornerstone is set to play a pivotal role in Connected Britain 2024. With an impressive portfolio of approximately 15,700 sites across the UK, Cornerstone stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in infrastructure deployment. Their commitment to advancing the UK’s digital economy aligns seamlessly with the theme of Connected Britain, which aims to explore and enhance the future of digital connectivity.  

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